
OrthoEvidence MOA has renewed its agreement with OrthoEvidence and as a member you receive a complimentary membership. Gain access to the latest orthopaedic research and insights through OrthoEvidence’s CME-eligible Advanced Clinical Evidence (ACE) reports.
Save time and stay up-to-date with the products currently offered and stay tuned as OrthoEvidence will continue over the coming months to expand and develop its portfolio of unique evidence-based products available to members of MOA through the OrthoEvidence Experience.
Self-Assessment Exam Members can earn 10 CMEs toward their Maintenance of Certification Self-Assessment requirements with a Self-Assessment Exam (SAE). The SAE is designed to help orthopaedists assess their knowledge in comparison with other orthopaedic surgeons, no matter how many years in practice or level of specialization. The results of the SAE should direct orthopaedic surgeons toward areas of study that will lead to professional improvement.
To receive 10 CME credits, you must take and submit the scored & recorded exam. After submitting the exam online and accompanying evaluation, you will receive feedback, the correct answers, commentary and references, as well as acknowledgement by email that you have completed the exam and your certificate.
Self-Assessment Exam Information
32 FREE CME credits per year MOA provides a complimentary subscription to the quarterly Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances to members. There is an 8-credit category I CME test in each issue of the Journal. To earn the credits, just complete the exam and send it in. We'll score it and send you your CME certificate.
Legislative Issues and Alerts MOA employs a full-time lobbyist who works actively with Maryland elected officials and regulators to improve the legal environment for the practice of orthopaedics and to enhance the ability of Maryland orthopaedists to serve their patients and the general public. We raise money through our political action committee to support the election of Maryland legislators who understand and support the goals of the Association.
We survey members through periodic emails on issues of importance to determine what positions will best represent their interests and compile practice-related data to support our advocacy.
Meetings MOA also sponsors an annual calendar of meetings that includes a Spring Scientific Meeting and three scientific lecture meetings during the fall and winter. These lectures, each named in honor of a noted leader in the field of orthopaedic surgery, are free to MOA members and orthopaedic residents and fellows. The meetings provide an overview of association legislative and membership activities, encourage input and ideas from attendees, and feature national and local speakers on current concepts and topics of interest to orthopaedic practices. Each lecture is preceded by a social hour to encourage fellowship and the exchange of ideas among those attending.
The Spring Scientific Meeting features presentations on a variety of topics related to the field of orthopaedic surgery, and the annual meeting and election of officers of the Association. A highlight of the Spring Scientific Meeting is the presentation of juried papers by residents and fellows. Prizes are awarded to the best and the runner up presenters in the areas of clinical research and basic science.
Advocacy As the state affiliate of AAOS, MOA represents the interests and concerns of Maryland orthopaedists through our voting members on the AAOS Board of Councilors.